Warsztaty dla studentów zagranicznych ‘Mindfulness in academic and everyday life’

Welcome Point zaprasza studentki i studentów zagranicznych na warsztaty online ‘Mindfulness in academic and everyday life’ w języku angielskim. Termin: 15 i 16 luty, 11:00-14:30. W warsztatach mogą wziąć udział studenci czterech ostatnich semestrów studiów.
Więcej informacji znajduje się na naszej stronie internetowej: http://welcome.uw.edu.pl/mindfulness-in-academic-and-everyday-life-workshops-for-international-students-2/


Dear Students,

Welcome Point would like to invite you to ‘Mindfulness in academic and everyday life’ workshops:  http://welcome.uw.edu.pl/mindfulness-in-academic-and-everyday-life-workshops-for-international-students-2/

During the event you will learn what mindfulness is and how to apply this practice in our everyday life. You will find out the benefits of using mindfulness at university and at work. It will also be a great opportunity to spend your free time in a pleasant, supportive atmosphere!

WHEN? 15th-16th February 2021, 11:00 am. – 2:30 pm.

Please note that attendance during two days of workshops is required.

WHERE? If you qualify for the workshop, we will send you a link to the meeting.

Who can participate?

– 2nd and 3rd year students of first cycle (Bachelor’s degree)
– 4th and 5th year students of uniform Master studies
– students of second cycle (Master’s degree)

To register to the course please fill in the form: https://forms.gle/VDabSbp2LHK38Y21A


The date of our workshop has been postponed from January. If you have previously registered, please do so again.

Application deadline: 5th February (Friday) 2021, 12 pm.

Please also join our FB event:

Kind regards,
Welcome Point UW

Veröffentlicht in AktualnościDE, Wydarzenia.